As an integrated communications firm, we are constantly monitoring platforms and trends to see where our voice and the voices of our clients are most likely to be heard.
Enter podcasts.
Several years ago, podcasts (the name being inspired by the original iPod that was launched way back in 2001) came onto the scene, and early adopters went nuts. Then, things slowed down….and then around 2015, podcasts started to catch on again.
We like to think that the resurgence of ‘casts is mostly in thanks to how accessible the technology is today. Our rock star team was able to find great equipment and quickly become savvy in using it to produce our twice a month podcast, The Happy Hour Hustle. (Honestly, the hardest part of the whole project was agreeing on a name).
If you haven’t listened to any episodes, you really should (with a glass in hand, of course). We were inspired to create a podcast for a few reasons.
Our Clients & Friends Are Really Interesting
In our work, we get to meet so many people who do great things. These are the people you hope to meet at networking events (pro-tip: they are usually standing by the bar). Our podcast gives us a unique opportunity to shine a light on causes, industries, or share knowledge from our favorite people. Our listeners get direct access to experts so they can learn something new.
Nothing Gets Lost in Translation
As card-carrying members of the “why isn’t there a widely-used sarcasm font” movement, we LOVE podcasts because humor, tone, and cadence aren’t lost. As creators of a lot of content, we have become experts at creating the right tone through words alone, but nothing can beat a voiced well-timed joke or pun.
Different People Communicate…Differently
One of the best assets we offer as a communications partner is helping our clients reach their target audiences through the best channels. Digital, print, earned PR, paid placement…we evaluate it all. While timely blogs, robust social strategies, and well-maintained websites are key, podcast listeners are an interesting bunch. 67 million Americans listen to podcasts monthly; 42 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly, and the average listener subscribes to 6 podcasts.
So, don’t be average. Make the most of this interesting platform and subscribe to LOTS of podcasts…may we suggest starting with ours?
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