There's a New Gen in Town: Social Media Trends in 2018
As 2017 comes to a close, we’ve covered the latest trends in the worlds of SEO and marketing, so it only makes sense we would continue our streak and cover upcoming trends in social media. While the...
View ArticleNewest Facebook Algorithm Encourages Interaction
Facebook is returning to its roots. And while this might mean a breath of fresh air for users, it will present challenges for businesses and brands. Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday that Facebook’s...
View ArticleHow’s Your Balance? The Work/Life Balance Myth
The term work/life balance has been a popular topic of conversation for some time, with lots of professionals sharing their tips and tricks on their journeys to somehow create the elusive concept for...
View ArticleWhat Makes Us Integrated? (And What Does Integrated Communications Mean?)
One of the top questions we are asked (right after, “Where’s Jimmy?”) is, “What exactly is integrated communications?” Which is fine because we LOVE talking about integrated communications, and not...
View ArticleThis is Us…Overreacting.
**Contains This Is Us Spoilers The year is 2018 – a year of advancements in space exploration, peaceful protests across the country, unrest and uncertainty in our nation’s capital, and most...
View ArticleThe Devil in the White Coat
*This article was originally published in West Michigan Woman Magazine* If there are two things that people should know about Michigan State Spartans, it is that we are extremely proud of our...
View ArticleThe Power of a Podcast (And Why We Started One)
As an integrated communications firm, we are constantly monitoring platforms and trends to see where our voice and the voices of our clients are most likely to be heard. Enter podcasts. Several years...
View Article4 Google Analytics Metrics to Check Today
We get it – you’re busy, and spending time sorting through thousands of data points about your website isn’t too high on your priority list today. But chances are your ROI is. You’re investing...
View ArticleIs Social Media Reshaping U.S. Elections?
Social media giants have had no lack of issues when it comes to political elections, but are they starting to figure it out? Are they using their powers for good? Social Media Motivating Voters If...
View ArticleSales & Marketing: The Classic Sibling Rivalry
Sales and marketing are a classic play on siblings: they’ll always be there, together, as part of the same family, but here and there they get into quarrels, have different tastes, and don’t agree on...
View ArticleHonoring Veterans Day
There are a few things you need to know about Veterans Day before acknowledging it publicly through your marketing channels. Anytime we can recognize the individuals who have served our country, we do...
View ArticleCelebrating National Trivia Day
As you may know, we love to celebrate national “holidays,” even the most absurd ones. January 4th is National Trivia Day, which is a holiday #Team834 can get behind. When we aren’t crushing it at our...
View ArticleHow We Stay Current in Our Industries
The world is a hectic place nowadays, isn’t it? It’s hard to focus on just about anything, especially anything remotely important. It seems like no matter where you are, you’re getting bombarded with...
View ArticleMarketing vs. Advertising vs. Public Relations
First off, if you are a college student who found this blog while rushing to finish your “Communications 101” term paper that is due tomorrow, good luck! Because we know that terminology within the...
View ArticleCore Value #2: We Know Our Shit
Yeah, we know. It’s one hell of a blog title. But that’s fine, because we’re one hell of an agency. If you aren’t familiar with how we do things around here, you might not know that we religiously...
View ArticleRecession Proof Your Company
One of our favorite things to hear from companies is, “We don’t need marketing. We’re doing great.” Marketing is definitely something you should utilize as part of a reactive strategy. There really is...
View ArticlePesky Deadlines
‘ello! Boss lady here. Today, I want to chat about time management and the absolute evil necessity of deadlines. Deadlines are the worst. They are always hanging over your head. They’re seriously...
View ArticleStrategize, then Kick Ass
This blog started out being about our core value, “We are not assholes,” but we’re gonna pivot and discuss strategy. We don’t like to give away our secret sauce, but we’re not worried anyone can...
View Article8THIRTYFOUR’s Best of 2019
We like to reminisce at the end of the year. As a team, we reflect on our wins, losses and everything in between. We wake up every day and are blessed to do what we love. It’s all thanks to the support...
View ArticleMarketing vs. Advertising vs. Public Relations
First off, if you are a college student who found this blog while rushing to finish your “Communications 101” term paper that is due tomorrow, good luck! Because we know that terminology within the...
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